Friday, October 5, 2007

Everything is not as it seems....

Life isn't always what it seems to be on the surface. We think we're in control. We think we know what's happening, and more or less, what's going to happen.

Then God shows us He is in control, and we had no idea what He was up to, and it's magnificent.

Daryl has Multiple Myeloma. Now, while that certainly isn't what either of us would have chosen to deal with, it is what God has gifted us, and it is good. (Disclaimer: I'm not the one with it, and we're in the easy part now. I reserve the right to not always feel that it is good, but I hope I will always know that God is doing something good with it!)

God has taken a shy, quiet man (okay, my kids don't know him as shy or quiet, but He is!) and given him a voice, a platform with which to converse with people. I can't remember how many times I have realized that someone thinks we have this perfect, trouble free life. Every person has struggles and hard things to deal with, but it doesn't always show on the surface that you arrive at pleasant places through work, prayer, struggle, and sometimes, sheer determination to do right. Now, however, we suddenly have visible credentials, Trouble with a capital T, and people relax around us.

My prayer is that Daryl will be healed, and if God says no to that, that the Myeloma will not be wasted, and that in either case, God will be glorified.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

thank you Carol, for the pics and the comments. Thank God for using you and Daryl for His Glory and Honor.
Love you both,
Grammy (Mom)